Ellie Harmon


I am recently re-transplanted to San Francisco, after almost a decade in Portland. I enjoy hanging out with preschoolers, reading, swimming, walking, hiking, camping, singing, dancing, a morning coffee, and an afternoon tea. I don’t own a car. I do own the minivan of bicycles.

photo of urban arrow family bicycle

From 2017-2021, I was a faculty member at Portland State University where I collaborated with secondary school teachers to broaden participation in cybersecurity, mentored excellent student researchers, fought for a better University as a PSU-AAUP Union leader, and worked with student leaders to transform the culture of computer science.

I’ve led qualitative social science, and technical computer science projects for/at Intel, IG Metall, the International Labour Office, and CU Boulder. I have a PhD in Information and Computer Science, with expertise in ethnographic studies of technology in work and at home (UC Irvine, Informatics, 2015).

I’ve walked the length of the US on each coast, between Georgia and Maine on the Appalachian Trail (2008, 2000 miles) and from Mexico to Canada on the Pacific Crest Trail (2013, 2650 miles).

You can find my academic writings indexed on Google Scholar. Please feel free to reach out for copies of any texts you can’t easily obtain.

I am currently taking time off from full time employment, but I am available for part-time contracts. Here is my resume.